
“I highly recommend Virtual Wine School for wine lovers of all levels. These classes really helped me connect the dots and develop a foundation in my understanding of wine. Katharine did a great job of breaking complex information into understandable and approachable ideas.”

— Luke, NY

“This is the perfect class for the person who likes wine but doesn't have the wine-snob gene! Katharine's knowledge is practical, smart, and remarkably broad.”

— Sylvia, TN

“Although I have been to wineries and tastings, The Virtual Wine School’s courses have offered me the chance to learn a lot more. When I finally am able to get out to a restaurant and order wine, I will know more questions to ask the wait staff, and understand their answers!”

— Sydney, IL

“‘Everything you wanted to know, but were afraid to ask’ is how I would describe this delightful experience. Katharine teaches easily about the many mysteries of wine; I am so enjoying every class.”

— Claudia, IL